A wood chipper shredder machine can help you handle smaller branches from shrubbery and leaves and will pulverize the wood into small shreds that can also be used as mulch. However, do you have how the wood chipper working? What happens insider the chipper machines? By know the working theory helping you to choose best wood chipper for you, as well as troubleshoot that may arise if you already have one.
Diesel Wood Chipper
Here’s How It Works:
The engine or motor provides the power by making the crankshaft turn.
The crankshaft is attached to the clutch, which can make the drive belt move, or keep it still. When the engine is at or above 1,600 rpm, the clutch engages the drive belt, making it turn.
The drive belt turns the impeller, which has a chipper knife built into it.
As wood enters the hopper, it hits the spinning impeller and chipper knife, which shreds it into tiny woodchips.
Fins on the back of the impeller, along with airflow from the vents, push the wood chips out the discharge chute.
You’ve got the power!
All wood chippers depends on some type of power source. All of BODE wood chipper have been powered by diesel engine、 gasoline engine and electric motor, it range from 6.5HP to 15HP. To reduce strain to the engine (making it last longer) the clutch will not engage the drive belt until it reaches 1,600 rpm. If you find a piece of wood that’s tough enough to slow the impeller down so much that the engine goes below 1,600 rpm, the clutch will disengage the drive belt, stopping the blade from turning and saving your engine from the strain. That’s why it’s best to know what size branches you are going to want to chip before you choose an engine size.