The wood chipper is an handy tool for getting rid of large tree limbs quickly. Bode garden provide home used wood chipper & commercial type wood chipper, which could chipper branch upto 85mm. The alternative is to cut up tree branches with a chainsaw and stack them for burning. But if you have a high volume of branches to get rid of, the wood chipper is probably you best chose. So how to choose the right model wood chipper involves a few decisions related to use.
First of all, choose the right size and style. Dealer or renters may have several model chipper available. Choose one based on the scope of your project. Our BODE GARDEN website, we have several model wood chipper for choice, welcome to check it.
The second thing is talking about maintenance of wood chipper. When you buy a wood chipper from manufacture of dealer, you show need to know some information, including how the rater stores the chipper, gas and oil issue and how to change the cutting blade. we welcome your to contact us for more information of chipper choosing.