Improvment of Wood Chipper BW-1300
As a professional supplier of wood chipper, we always dedicate to improve chipper quality, our company have launched a new cutting desk to upgrade chipper shredder model BW-1300 The old model cutting desk of wood chipper BW-1300, adopting 2 cutting blade, such blade is very expensive because it longer and chipping effective is not good

Briggs & Stratton Engine Powered Wood Chipper
With the development of our wood chipper, some customers are interested about Briggs & Stratton engine for wood chipper, Bode garden as a leader supplier of chipper shredder, we can meet customer personal request. For our portable wood chipper BW-600G, It could be equip with Briggs & Stratton engine, this model is very easy for

Wood Chipper Exported to Brazil
One of our customer from Brazil have ordered several wood chipper, it almost covered the whole series of our wood shredder series, those chipper powered by electric motor, gasoline engine and diesel engine. There is one unit wood chipper equip with mobile trailer. Bode garden as a professional supplier of wood chipper, we would like
France Customer Visiting Our Company
We have customer from France visited our company for zero turn mower, customer have checked our material of mower, welding skills and test the performance of zero turn mower, although there are some feature need to be update to meet France market, they are very happy about our mower quality and expect for cooperation with
Our New Garden Catalog
We have updated our new garden catalog of zero turn mower and wood chippers, we welcome all of our customer to down load catalog online. ( Down Load PDF catalog below)
The Working Theory Of Wood Chipper
A wood chipper shredder machine can help you handle smaller branches from shrubbery and leaves and will pulverize the wood into small shreds that can also be used as mulch. However, do you have how the wood chipper working? What happens insider the chipper machines? By know the working theory helping you to choose best
Wood Chipper BW-808 Cutting Blade Improved
Wood chipper BW-808 is a professional industrial chipper which can cut max 85mm branch, and we have update its cutting blade system recently. We are able to assembly the vertial blade by manual and all of the blade and shaft is cutted by laser, making it is much better in balance when wood chipper is
How to choose the right wood chipper
The wood chipper is an handy tool for getting rid of large tree limbs quickly. Bode garden provide home used wood chipper & commercial type wood chipper, which could chipper branch upto 85mm. The alternative is to cut up tree branches with a chainsaw and stack them for burning. But if you have a high
Improvement of zero turn mowers
One of our good Australia partners have visited us after attending canton fair, Andrew came to visit us mainly for testing his order of zero turn mowers and wood chippers. Zero turn mower is a new product for us since last year, at beginning of this stage, the quality is no very stable, however, we
Mobile Wood Chipper Shredder On Production
Wood chipper shredders are ideal for successful recycling of organic waste. Our wood chipper will break down branches up to 80mm, creating fine mulch that’s perfect for composting, also reducing weeds to mulch so they can’t re-root and as an optional extra the chipper grate which is designed to avoid clogging with damp leaves and