As a professional supplier of wood chipper, we always dedicate to improve chipper quality, our company have launched a new cutting desk to upgrade chipper shredder model BW-1300
The old model cutting desk of wood chipper BW-1300, adopting 2 cutting blade, such blade is very expensive because it longer and chipping effective is not good enough.
So we upgrade this cutting desk with 3 shorter one, equip with 6 blade like below:

Now the new wood chipper have passed strictly testing, this new design have below feature:
- With this design, it is more effective, the chipper material is much smaller then before.
- Using shorter blade, it is more stronger, more durable, with lower maintain cost, it is much better economical for long term view.
If you are on demand of a wood chipper, welcome to contact us! We will not let you down.